Surprise! It's us

congratulations and or we're sorry

Mulder and Scully are physically connecting

What's up nerds we have a newsletter now! Coming the first of every month, straight into your own personal pocket computer. Please come along with us on this journey through the things we're enjoying, overheating over, and vibing to. We've also included some things to watch out for in the upcoming month, and a look at what's happening on our Patreon & Discord (which you can join for ~as little as a dollar~)🎉

Okay, let's get to the f e e l i n g s


Hi!!! I’m absurdly excited to be back at podcasting but also to have this newsletter. It’s always a tiny thrill for me when I get a newsletter from creators i enjoy so I hope our letter can bring some joy to you! Personally, I’m hanging on by a thread because it’s wedding season and I like an incredible idiot still somehow work in this insane industry. The one (?) thing that has been keeping me sane and filling my cup has been archery! Once a week I head to the range and shoot arrows and live out my ranger fantasy. I’m not good at it and I love that for me.

In other news, I fear I have become a gym girlie. When I’m at the gym nothing motivates me more than listening to women scream their feelings. It’s extremely relatable. I’ve started a female rage (metal) playlist and let me tell you my prs have been impressive.

Boys can do tarot now.

During our hiatus I’ve become a full blown critter. I’ve watched all of campaign one and two, done the in canon specials and exu, read all the comics and started on the novels. I even have a Yasha/Beau burlesque act now! It’s all great but the one thing I can’t stop watching is this absurdly funny twitch commercial they made.

While I mentally prepare myself to bodily give myself over to CR Bell’s Hells, I decided to jump on over to Dimension 20 and check out their live plays. I’ve watched Fantasy High (and already bought merch so you know I am in), but the campaign, or rather side quest, I am obsessed with is Escape From the Bloodkeep. The TLDR is that it’s a Lord of the Ring’s style adventure but told from the baddie’s perspective. It’s so funny and it’s only six episodes free on youtube! Bonus: You get to watch Matt Mercer play a PC as the saddest Witch King with a truly epic redemption story. 

Just in time for spooky season I finished this crazy ass book, Maeve Fly by CJ Leede. I loved it, but heavy trigger warnings for torture, sexual assault and general body horror. The big pitch on this book is what if American Psycho, but a hot girl who plays Elsa at Disneyland? A short, wild ride with a real solid ending. 

Finally, if you have any extra money I suggest donating to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund or to the World’s Central Kitchen.

Spock is demure on the Bridge


Obviously the most exciting thing I had going on in September is that NYDP is back BAYBAY. We've got new episodes coming at you and A Plan for what the company looks like going forward. Other highlights - I went to Six Flags with my husband for his 40th and learned that my BIL and his girlfriend love rollercoasters, a blessing. My kid got glasses which is cute as hell. I've also sort of learned how to use an oven, against my will.

Some things I'm into:

My Monster Girlfriend. Blind borrowed this from Stella and boy oh boy is it just straight up hardcore porn 😂😂 i guess i expected more softcore exposition and there is not any of that lololol - beautiful art, great sex scenes, and interesting monsters

Louis Cole, just generally. His latest album ‘nothing’ is excellent and the visual album on YouTube is absolutely worth the watch. This man clearly went through a breakup and wrote an incredible orchestral diary. I just made a bunch of memes.

This video of Gene Kelly.

My favorite weird video my Kid watched.


September: Prelude to Spooky Season. Back behind the buttons for me!

Listen Rec: My month started at DragonCon with a late night POWERGLOVE (Genre: Nerdmetal, Covers) concert! Some fantastic nostalgia elevated by them dropping a surprise new EP. Click below for heavy metal vgm mayhem:

Super Smash Bros. EP on Spotify 

POWERGLOVE on Bandcamp 

Game Rec: Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip (Platform: PC) An absurd game about a weirdo slacker who just wants to drive his car to the moon. Cute, quirky indie games are all over the place but this one made me actually, real-life laugh out loud (arllol) repeatedly!

Watch Rec: Glorious (Genre: Horror/Comedy) - JK Simmons voices a cosmic horror entity hiding behind a highway rest stop bathroom glory hole who traps that guy who played the dirtbag brother from True Blood. Yes,



Things coming this month:

New NYD! Look out for new episodes coming the first Wednesday that follows a Monday each month

Xtreks is back recording and finally ready to wrap season 3!!!

Please check your voter registration status!! October is the deadline in many states, and if you live in a Republican controlled state make sure you have not been purged from the voter rolls. You can do that here!

Additionally, right before this letter went to press, Hurricane Helene hit Western North Carolina with catastrophic, life altering damage. Here is a list of several organizations you can donate to that include specific resources for the unhoused population, animals in dire need, emergency rebuilding, and many more.

Exclusive to our Patreon & Discord (for as little as a dollar!):

  • Erin is finally back in the Discord and is making it everyone else's problem

  • Notes for xtreks, including Erin's newest thing: absolutely papering her notes with gifs and images

  • Long cut of Bobby's Plan 9 video (ft. Erin)

  • New NYD After Dark!

  • Book club pick!Can you tell they let me edit the newsletter! lol anyway byyyeeeeee